Easter: Website development

As well as showing photos on maps, I would like the website to show submissions from the workshops. After my first submission yesterday, I have created a section of the website to display the outputs. Here is the finished look, which you can also see here:

Current look

Here is how I did it …

I use Wix to host my website and uploaded test images.
Wix has a nifty data collection tool so that you can use a CMS to flow into your website. I started by creating a table with the test images to populate the gallery.
On a new webpage, I created a gallery to link to the dataset.
I connected to the dataset successfully
To create a more full look, I created dummy items based on the template letters. Each letter has a title, image, description, contributor name and tag for filtering.
Here is a mid-point look with the letters populating in any order
To filter, I experimented with choices linked to tags and filled them out. However, it has to be a dropdown feature so I reworked the page.
Here is the final page with the letters in order with a dropdown and an All button to reset the filter.
Here is the filter in action for the letter M.
The gallery allows for each image to be shown in an expanded view with contributor credit and description.

2 thoughts on “Easter: Website development

  1. Pingback: week 24: Website & online development – Anna Robinette

  2. Pingback: week 24: Website & online development – Anna Robinette

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